Thursday, May 24, 2012


 Indian Ocean
 Myself and Father Baraka in Dar Es Salaam
 Baboa tree. It is the largest tree in Africa however the wood is really soft.
 This is where I went with Fr Justin to buy a solar well water pump filter system. He raised over $5,000 in England. This system will be installed in a small village out side of Masasi. The solar panel provides the energy to pump the water from the water in the ground through a filtration system and out the tap. Unfortunately the equipment here is expensive compared to America due to the fact this company holds the market. They are a company out of Kenya. Also it is expensive to ship to Tanzania from America.
 I'm taking turns mashing corn to make ugali. Ugali when cooked looks like mash potatoes but it is flavorless.
 This is Chips Mayai - This was my favorite dish here. Fries cooked in eggs. Then they add tomatoes and onions on top.
This is me working in the dispensary in Namiungo. I use a latex glove as a Tourniquet while drawing up blood to test for HIV

Well I'm in Chicago now. It was a long flight. I had 9.5 hrs from Dar es Salaam to Amsterdam. Took a train into Amsterdam for a few hours then went back to the airport to catch an 8.5hr plane to Chicago.  I went through a little bit of a culture shock when I got back. My body felt weird and my stomach wasn't use to the food. My use to be iron stomach is still adjusting. I think it was because I basically at the same thing everyday and everything is fresh. Nothing is processed over there. You grow it, pull it, cook it, eat it. With animals you kill it, cut it up, cook it, and eat it. But it was hard to see all these big shopping malls and buildings. I went walking by a store and seeing a $250.00 pair of shoes and it made me ill to my stomach. Then of course thinking $250.00 is a whole months supply of medicine for people in Namiungo At first I was really angry and resentful. I have now come around and came to grips with reality after being here a few days now. Its just night and day from being here to over there. I really appreciated eating a meal here, having  a hot shower and sleeping in a big comfortable bed.
I learned a lot about life and a lot about my life. Life is not about me but I am about life. I felt the presence of God in my life everyday when I was over there. I know over there I loved it and hated it all at the same time.   I wouldn't have gotten through it with out prayer everyday. Especially in Namiungo, it was emotionally tough because people die everyday there. The tough part is if they would have been in America they would have had the resources to save there lives. I feel so blessed to have been born in America. A broken leg with a bone puncturing through the skin can lead to infection and a lost limb or even death over there. In America that would never happen here. You would get to the hospital with in an hour and would be taken care of.

So what am I going to take away from all of this? What am I going to do about it?

I talked with the Salvatorians in Milwaukee. Some of them are going to Tanzania June 17th. They will be able to take over money and some supplies. So I am making arrangements with them where we can send them the money and they will directly give it to the Namiungo Dispensary. Who ever needs a tax receipt can send me an email and let me know. I will get you a letter and a Reciept from the Salvatorians for your donation. The best way will be to mail a check to the Salvatorian house in Milwaukee. I will find out shortly what needs to be written on the check and the exact address.

I took a road trip up to New Holstein , WI to the Salvatorian Mission Warehouse. There a I met Br Regis. He is a Salvatorian brother who has been sending everything and anything to Bolivia,Chile,Ghana,Guatemala,Guinea, Haiti, Honduras,Kenya,Nicaragua,Paraguay,Peru, Panama, and Tanzania. He has been doing this for over 25 years now. He goes to companies like Landsend, Johnson &Johnson, Hersheys, cardinal health and many more and asks if they are getting rid of anything. Landsend donates left over cut offs from pant legs to shirts with some sort of deformity. The warehouse is huge. I said how can you afford to send everything. Shipping is very expense. He said it is all based on donations and he has over a 100 volunteers. In the last seven years they have shipped 1,074 loads  with a total weight of 32,182,375 lbs costing $5,225,972.63
That blew my mind. I told him there is a hospital in Tunduru Tanzania that doesn't have gauze, latex gloves, and more. I told him I would like to raise money to send a shipment over there. He told me the problem right now is the Tanzania government. He said, "You could ship it over there but it could get stuck in Dar Es Salaam and get stuck in customs for 6 months. So you will have to figure out a way around that". So I jumped on the internet and sent an email to Dr. Fredrick in Tunduru hospital. Telling him the situation. I'm hoping he is working for a government hospital and is paid by the government so I am hoping he will be able to go to Dar Es Salaam and get the shipment. I am sure I will hear from him soon. Once I know it is possible and the medical items won't sit there then I can move forward. I will have to talk to Brother Regis again and asked what medical companies he is in contact with. I was also thinking about trying to talk to hospitals in the USA and see if anyone is getting rid of any supplies. If you would like to learn more about the Salvatorian Mission warehouse or would like to donate to there cause, the website is

So I am going to try and work on that now. As far as my future.

In Tanzania I had a lot of time to think and pray what I am going to do with my life. I have decided to enter as a Salvatorian Candidate. What that means is I will live in a house in Milwaukee with priests and brothers. I will learn about the religious life and what kinds of service works they are doing through out the city, states , and countries. Candidate life is like having one foot in the door and one foot out. I feel being moved towards religious life whether it is priesthood or brother hood. There is only one way to find out and that is to try it. So the beginning of August I will be moving to Milwaukee for a year to test the water. If that goes well for me and if I like it and feel this is my vocation I will spend a 2nd year with both feet in which is called novitiate. That year is very focused on the religious life and following all the vows of religious life. After that it is decision time.
I know many will think I am crazy and nuts but this is something I feel deeply about. I feel I have been following this path for a few years now and this is the next road i'm going to try and take. It could lead to a dead end or it could lead to other roads. I won't know until I take this road.
I thank everyone for there time and effort in to help shaping me into who I am today. I'm not going to vanish, I'm not going to be in a cave. My weekends will be totally free during that year along with breaks. You can always call or email me. I'm here. I just don't want anyone one to think I have totally gone off the deep end.

Who knows where God will take me.

Mungu Akupenda - What ever God wishes

Monday, May 14, 2012


I met with Fr Patriek who is the Treasurer here in Tanzania. I have all the information for setting u who ever would like to donate to the Namiungo Dispensary. Fr Patriek will receive the money from the Salvatorians in the US. I'm going to set it up through them. Fr Patriek will give it to Br Bogan who will deliver it to Br Fulmance in Namiungo. I asked that a detailed record to be kept on where the money is going and I let everyone know so they can hold each other accountable. That is a problem here in Tanzania. Money tends to some how disappear. For example two weeks ago Hilary Clinton just gave Tanzania 2 Billion dollars. Unfortunately about a 150 million of that is going towards Mercedes benzs, personal helicopters and who knows what else. But that is expect here from most organizations. However I feel I can guarantee 100% of the money you will donate will go to the Dispensary in Namiungo. You money will be used for saving a life.
Bagamoyo- Crush there hearts. Bagamoyo is where the Arabs transported the people from Zanzibar to Bagamoyo to be sold as slaves. The first church in East Africa is built there by the Benedictanes. It was the German missionaries who came there and abolished slavery in the very late 1800's. THe museum there was very interesting talking about the history of the place. I was interested in the witch doctor aspect and they had the different medicines there ie roots, herbs, and more. There was some herb you drink and it cures a hernia. How is that possible but maybe it is true. The Indian ocean is very warm. It feels like bathwater. Bagamoyo also was bombed in the first world war.
Yesterday I met with 6 people who work for the United Nations. We met at the Serena Hotel. I felt I was back in America. I was so glad to be invited. The Buffet was incredible. I kid you not that I ate 6 plates of food. First plate was nothing but fruit. Second plate all kinds of salads and vegetables, 3rd plate, Beef minced meat like a shepards pie, sausage, bacon, potatoes, Fish Teriyaki. 4th plate. Chapati, Bow tie past with meat sauce, crab claws, stuffed beef pastry. 5th plate a belgian waffle, creme brulee, cheese cake, cream pie, chocolate cake. Last plate was small. just crackers with Brie cheese and Champagne. It was such a treat to eat amazing food. I have been eating, rice ,beans, little meat, chinese spinach and ugali for the every meal for the last 3 weeks.except breakfast we eat just bread.
Anyways there was a person from South Africa, Ireland, Spain, England, Tanzania and USA. It was interesting to hear about there work and what they do and some of the conflicts that are going on. Most of them work for the WPF which is the World Food Program. They figure out where the food is needed, what kind of food is needed , where to get the food. They told me I should come work for them here in Tanzania. It sounds great but I can tell it is a very challenging job. To be honest it sounds like at least 60-80% of there job is behind a desk. That isn't my cup of tea. They were very glad to hear my views and perspectives of Tanzania especially the south region. The south is the poorest area but they have really good rain and soil. So for the most part food isn't a problem there. It is Malaria, which makes sense. Most of there work is in the north where there is a lack of food. There is money in the north due to tourism but only a select few are receiving the benefits from it.

Tomorrow I plan to have a relaxing day at the beach. It is a 5 mile walk but that is no big deal to be honest.

Kwa Heri


Saturday, May 12, 2012



I love it yet I hate it. The dad whose child we saved walked 10 km to the dispensary just to say “Asante Sana” – Thank you very much. It was  very moving for me. Just those two words really touched my heart. I felt so honored that the dad took the time and effort to way one way 10 km just to thank me. That is not typical here. General people don’t do that. Brother Fulmance praised him and so did the midwife Elizabeth.
The frustrating part is they don’t understand. We have the same people that come in from the same villages spreading around syphilis. We tell them not to have any sexual relations for the next 3 weeks and take this medicine. They don’t listen. In reality they can’t. The woman here I don’t think say NO to there husband. The highest people with AIDS here is married woman. The woman is at home taking care of the children and the Man is out doing what ever he likes. More than likely having an affair with other woman. But that is not all men of course. Another frustrating story. We gave oranges to a man her. We have about 30 orange trees here. We said instead of coming here everyday and asking for oranges, take these seeds and plant your own tree. The man started laughing. He said, “These seeds won’t give me oranges tomorrow.” We said, “No they won’t but they will give you oranges in 7 years”. He started laughing and said I probably won’t live that long. That is there reality. No one thinks about the future or there future generations. They only live for today. They don’t worry about tomorrow. That is why it is frustrating.
I heard a story of a woman came in with AIDS, she is a prostitute. They said, “why do you choose to be a prostitute, you got AIDS because of it. Her response was, “I can die of AIDS some day or my children and I can die of hunger tomorrow.” They just don’t see any other way. I feel we need to educate them and say, “hey there are other ways’ Yes life will be tougher and you won’t make as much money but there are other ways. There thinking here is totally different from anything I see. Maybe I need to learn from them. Dying is a part of life and we all need to accept. No one here fears death. Everyone sees it as everyday life. You are going to die of something anyways.
There was people in the village of Kornasini getting sick drinking the water. Father Patreik said, “don’t drink the river out of that pond. People bath and piss in it”. But the people said, “We don’t see anything. The water is clear. There is nothing wrong with drinking this water”. They don’t understand that there is microscopic bacteria in the water that is making them sick. If they can’t see it or touch it, feel it they don’t believe it. They can’t understand the concept that there is something making sick that they can’t see.
Fr Justin told me that year after year he tries to teach the people to save there crops. But they don’t. They eat really well in the months of June to August and then when it comes to December they have no food. He said, Every December the people come asking for food because they have eaten it all. He said during the summer months the people have lots of food and big feasts and celebrations and everyone is feeding everyone. He said with there culture future does not exist. I will live as a king today if there is a lot of food and live as a peasant tomorrow if I eat all the food.
As you can see it is very frustrating at times.
You need to have grace and a lot of patients to live here. I do love however if anyone there family and I mean extended family asks for food they give it. They never turn down family. Maybe that is why they run out of crops because the people who have a lot of crops wont say no to any of there family members.
The people here at the clinic cooked food and had a big celebration for me in Namiungo. It was really nice of them. I felt very humbled. These people don’t have much but they killed a chicken and cooked chips Mayai which is my favorite just to show me there appreciation. Wow. Chips Mayai is French fries cooked in eggs. So it is basically a French fry omlete. They put tomatoes and onions on it as well. It was a really good feast. I can’t thank them enough for all they have done for me. It was a very powerful experience for me in Namiungo. But it really wore on my batteries so I am very glad to be in Dar Es Salaam to rest.

Well time for Kasani – Church


Friday, May 11, 2012

Leaving Namiungo

 This is Bagamoyo, It is the old stone city. This is the Indian Ocean.
 This is a picture of one of the hills in Masasi were I stopped an rested for a day before going to Dar es Salaam
 This is Charles and he is playing an instrument called the Kayamba. He is incredible good with it. He somehow gets five different noises out of it in a matter of a second or two, I can at best maybe get 4 sounds out of it. It is small shoots of bamboo with beans inside it.
 This is a shirt they gave and had made for me. That is from the Candidates, priests, and brothers here in Namiungo
Celebration of my last night there. We are drinking home made beer which I taught them how to make. Well we tried to make it out of corn, wheat, sugar and water. It tasted better than I expected. It was flat though. No carbonation. It was probably fermenting for about two weeks.

Wow a lot has happened since I wrote last. I try and remember everything. I saw two different witch doctors. I went to her hut with Brother Fulmance. I took off my cap, shoes and socks. In side the hut is really small but 6 off us were in there. She put on a white robe with a sash around her body and red sash around her head. I sat across from her and we are sitting touching barefeet to bare feet. There is something in the middle between us. I don’t know what it is like the size of a shoe box. It is covered in a cloth. She starts singing in her tribal tongue and there is a person on each side of her singing as well. After a while she start breathing heavy. She is starting to struggle keeping her head up. Her eyes are closed. The shakers are getting louder and louder. She falls forward . Her helpers pull a sheet over her. She is breathing really heavy now. Then it is silent. The assistant takes a rattle and shakes it next to her head. She immediately springs up. She starts talking and her voice is incredibly low. Lower than I could ever imagine. Lower than I could ever speak and she is a littler lady maybe 5,2. Her face even looked different to me. It used to be sweet and gentle now it looked more contorted and old, a bit roughed up. The people in the hut welcome Babu, The lady is now possessed. They start shaking the rattle furiously and chanting in the native tongue. Very low voice she is singing with. After a while they tell her a Muzungu is here and has a question for her. I tell Br Fulmance that I had a dream about a month ago which this is a true story. My Grandmother was talking to me in my dream, however I couldn’t understand what she is saying to me. So I was wondering if she could talk to me dead grandmother and ask her what she was trying to tell me. Br Fulmance tells the assistant and he then tells the withc doctor in what ever tribal language they speak. She then starts chanting and shaking the rattles again. After a while she tells me that her sisters are present. That is her dead ancestors and she is going to communicate with them. She starts chanting again and then someone walks into the hut and she throws the shaker at the person who entered and grabs a new shaker. Babu is not happy the person entered the hut. After the chanting is done she tells the assistant something and then he tells br Fulmance who then tells me in English. That the ancestors said that they will make something for me tonight. So I must come back. What ever she gives me will open my eyes so I understand what my grandmother was trying to tell me. The ancestors told her how to make what ever it is and I will take it tonight. They also told me to bring money tonight. So I said ok. They start chanting with joy in what ever song they were singing. After a while she is getting more tired and more tired, drops the shakers and falls forward. They cover her with a sheet and she is breathing heavy. She stops breathing. Once again the assistant shakes the rattle really hard next to her ear. She awakens and slow comes back to it. I take a picture with her. Thank her and leave.
I tell Br Fulmance there is no way I am drinking whatever she gives me. So now I’m worried im going to have to drink something. So now im trying to think of an excuss why I cant drink or maybe I shouldn’t go back. Br Fulmance said , You have to go back. You have to show up.    
Well I bought her a kanga it is a tranditional cloth that you give to older ladies as a gift. Br Fulmance was going to tell her that im sick and the medication that im taking I cant eat or drink anything for 4 hours. Well we show up to her place and right away tells her right away that I cant eat or drink anything but another time and I have a gift for her. I give her the cloth and she puts it on and is happy. She tells him that I wasn’t going to drink something. That they were going to bath me naked and use some sort of special medicine on my body. Br Fulmance tells her he has a sick patient waiting for him and he must go back to the dispensry. Thank goodness. So we left in a hurry. It was quit an interesting experience. Wow that is just one story. Its time for lunch. Im in Dar Es Salaam for a week of relaxation.
I will write about the paradox later. I’m glad for my time in Namiungo in the bush but I’m glad to be back in the city to enjoy some simple pleasures.

Tuta onana baday – See you later