Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Zoran hitchhiker

I had a God sign on Wednesday. I just turned off Highway 94 and as I was driving I saw a man in a dress shirt running on the side of the road. So I turned around and asked him if he needed a ride. He said his semi truck is in the shop being fixed for the day. So I gave him a ride to the movie theater. He said his semi truck broke down and he had to have it towed to the Volvo dealer. He is from Yugoslavia. Well I dropped him off  and he thanked me. I didn’t realize until I got to the school I tutor at that he left his glasses case in my car. So I thought after tutoring I will stop by the movie theater and hope he is there. Well after tutoring I was following Bruce in the car  to go visit one of the kids I tutor who is in another school because he got kicked out for having weed on him. I’m looking at the time and I realize I still need to drop off the glasses case and get to my 3:00 meeting. So I turned around and went to the movie theater. Of course he was not there. Well I thought oh well. So I am driving and want to get on 94 heading west but the exit is closed so I had to follow a detour on the frontage rode. Sure enough as I’m going I see the Volvo truck place and I immediately slow down and park the car and sure enough there is Zoran standing outside. God works in funny ways. Amazing how that works. The timing couldn’t have been any better.

Today it is 62 degrees and sunny. Beautiful day. I was just driving by Bradford Beach and it is packed. Everyone is in there swimsuits too. People want the sun so bad. I just couldn’t people seeing all the people in swimsuits when it is 62 outside. Hearty Northerners.

Marcel's Birthday
 Went with Sarah for a Ride in Chicago

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Is Summer here?

Well we have just finish our ICN classes which is good and had a picnic celebration. The also finished our Just Faith classes and classes for Fr. Andre. It has been a very good informative year of really digging into the bowels of oneself. Summer is finally here and I am happy about that. I spent a day in Chicago biking around with a friend. Spent a day on lake Michigan riding on Dave’s boat. I have mainly been busy working on getting Second Chance Employment off the ground. Our goal was to raise $20,000 by June 1st so we can get it up and running for the summer. Right now I have been working on grants for different foundations and trying to figure out ways to raise money. This is not an easy task. I made a video for Kickstarter but that website isn’t really for nonprofits. There are websites for nonprofits to get started but I guess they don’t work as well as kickstarter. I am also trying to get in collaboration with other nonprofits to gain there support.

I hope everyone enjoys there memorial day.
 Rob and I mountain biking along Milwaukee river
 Our Just Faith Group