Tuesday, October 23, 2012

ViKings Pictures

So here is a picture of Keegan with his Panda Backpack. He was quit entertaining.
The top picture is Ryan who I helped Brew an All grain batch when we finished the house work.
Then the Picture of Keegan and I . I had to babysit him for 20 minutes.Dad drove off in the car to get a wheel barrel and he saw dad leave and started crying. He ran to me and I picked him up. Luckily he only cried the first two minutes and then he was quit happy being held. Then for dinner Ryan treated, Kristi, Michelle and me to German food. We got the two German Platters. It was awesome. The food was really good. There was a Kaiser dressed up walking around and down stairs they had a polka band. Then went to the Vikings game with Uncle Dew. The Vikings beat the Cardinals. It was great being in the loud stadium. The half time show was the all Minnesota Mascots vs a kids football team. The kids totally kicked there butts. It was funny when Vikotr the Viking handed the ball to Crunch which is the Timberwolves mascot and it took about 5 kids to jump on him to take him down.It was nice because I saw the sun for two days. Nice weather. I get back to Milwaukee and it is cloudy and rainy again. I need to put together the book shelves for the library. Adios

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