Monday, January 28, 2013

Pulled Groin

Well. On my second to last day I pulled my groin as Fantasy camp. I was leading off at 1st. My brother hit a grounder to third and I pushed off as hard as I could running to second. I was thinking I am going to beat out the play at 2nd. That was my 7th game of the week. Bad move. But I had the trainers wrap me up and played in the last three games. I finally saw a doctor a week ago. Partially torn adductor muscle. So I have physical therapy twice a week now. It's been almost 4 weeks and my bruise is starting to go away now. There doing electrode therapy with stimulating the muscle and then massaging the area with an ultra sound machine.
School is going well. In Catholic Doctrine 2 we are reading Dei Verbum. Its fairly boring. It is Vatican 2 documents. Scripture foundation is very interesting. Were talking about people who interpret the bible literally and about the numerous contradicting stories in the Bible. There is one psalm talks about smashing babies heads against rocks. I never knew that was in there. Interesting stuff. Fundamental theology is interesting. It is all about "What is the purpose of life. What is the purpose of studying about God." I find it intriguing. I am also taking hispanic devotions which is learning about the traditions of the hispanic communities. Then in Medeval Philosophy were reading St. Augustines Confessions. It has warmed up today. It has been really cold. That is it for now. Just doing reading and keeping up on classes. Can't exercise so I am playing a fair amount of ping pong and pool.

Sorry if the picture grossed you out

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