Saturday wake up 4 am. I wake up Br Adelard he is ready to go by 4;30am. We walk to the bus stop. No bus. No Taxis. We walk to the next bus stop. We wait. We eventually get a taxi. 5:15am the bus is suppose to come at 5:45 amd and leave at 6am. for Masasi. They said it is about 12 hours. So i'm menatlly prepared. Sitting on steps waiting with a crowd of people. Bus shows up at 6:30am.We are start rushing towards this coach bus. It looks nice. I'm thinking hey this won't be that bad. We all find out it is not are bus and we run to another bus. Everyone is pushing to get on the bus. I'm thinking why. We have assigned seats. I finally force my way on. People are still pushing past me going down the aisle of the bus. I find out why. Over head baggage space. There is nothing. I find one small spot where I try to cram my back pack in. I get only half of it in and leave it. I sit down in my seat which is an aisle and next to Br Adelard which is a wider than average man. Infact he is taking up a third of my seat. In each row there is 5 seats. InAmerica we have 4 seats across. SO the seats are a littl smaller than normal. I have my one back pack between my legs and my other one falls on me asoon as we take off. So I put it on my lap. 12 hours this is going to be a long ride.
30 min into I'm think oh my God please help me this is going to be the most uncomfortable day of my life. Luckily br Adelard moves to the front of the bus to and open seat which we find out is available. Thank you God. Now I can spread out and breath a little. This is going to be a good ride now.
After a while the asphault ends. Rough road. That is being generous. We have only gone 1 hour an we are now going less than 10 mph we have about 700km to go. dirt road with pot holes. I mean craters. So deep that the bottom back of the bus is scraping the ground. Probably at least 18 inches deep. It was quit a ride for an hour. Then it becomes asphault again. Smooth sailing . The bus stops everyone runs out to go pee. The men are peeing ont he right side of the rode the women are on the left side of the road sqwautting . I want ed to take a picture but didn't think it would be a good idea. We then rush on the bus and take off. We take maybe 5 minutes. Asphualt to mud this time deep mud. SO deep I'm affraid we are going to get stuck. Infact the bus infront of us does get stuck. The have to take a backo or a big Catepilalar plow truck to pull the bus out of the mud. The mud had to be two feet deep. The bus driver go the momentum going and we miraculously make it through. Then it goes to rough road again then asphault. There is no rhyme or reason where there is ashpault and where there isn;t . Some towns have it some doesn't , some roads in the minddle of no where has it some doesn't it doesnt make sense. We then are flying once again passing trucks and buses at incredible speed. We get in thick mud again. there is a line of buses. We are allfollowing in a line. sure enough they all stop. We get stuck. We have to wait for a catepillar plow truck to pull us out. The bus driver tries rocking the bus back an forth but now luck. Well we eventually get pulled out.
We make another quick stop. I run out with everyone else. When I get back on the bus there is a child now in the middle seat sitting nect to his dad. I thought ok. I start showing him pictures to him. Next thing I know he looks away and then pukes. He looks down and pukes some more. SOme got on my pants. This was a rough dirt road. It was like being on a boat in the middle of an ocean swaying back and forth. We then get mud again and another line of buses. we are following in a row. We the bus infront of us starts fish tailing. Then we are fish tailing and traffic is going the other way we almost hit two different buses on this narrow road. Miss them by inches. We amazingly get on asphault and we cruise. We stop for lunch 15 minutes. we run to the bathrrom pee. rush order rice beef and beans. shovel it down our throats and get back on bus. I 'm thinking it must be smooth from here on out. 2 hours in the bus stops. The bus breaks down. They have to change a bearing in the middle of no where. One hour later. We are going again.
Need less to say it was a long journey and it took 12 hours. It was a good experience but once I hope i don't ahve to experience again. I am traveling to Namiungo tomorrow. I'm in Masasi which is about 30,000 people. yesterday we didn't have electricity. Today I am fortunate. I probably won't have internet in Namiungo it is asmall town.
Well. see
Mungu Bariki
MJ becarful I looked up in Swahili dictionary, muzungu it means lion bait. Love hearing about you adventure. Taker good care of yourself. Don't be lion bait.