There is about 8,000 people in the County of Namiungo. It is like being in the middle of no where. There is grass fields and trees and few small rivers. It's a lot like being in the country of Minneosta. Here they raise all there own food. There is a about 30 candidates here. These men are around 18-20 yrs old and they are testing the water to see if they want to be a priest or brother. They live here. They work here and are feed and have a room here. They have prayer 4 times a day. I can tell i'm going to really learn a lot of kiswahili here. They want me to help out in the clinic here. ITs very rural. The internet is dial up speed and there is only one computer so I probably won't post to often and no picutres because it will take about 20-30minutes to pull up just one. I'm here for 3 weeks. Just wanted eveyone to no I made the bus ride here which was 170km and it took 5 hrs. 20 km of paved road thanks tot he japanese prisoners. It was the nicest road i have been on since I have been here, smooth and very wide. I guess the Japanese government and the Tanzanian government made some sort of deal. Japan sent its prisoners as punishment to build a road in Tanzania. They did a great job.
I hope everyone is doing well.
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