I rode with Flouriman, Aggrey, and George to a former Rwandan refuge camp. In 1994 when the Hutu’s took over and started slaughtering the Tutsi’s. The Tutsi’s fled into Tanzania for safety. This is one of the main places where they fled for safety. Then Uganda stepped in and took over the Hutu’s in Rwanda. The Hutu’s then in fear of retaliation fled into Bukoba and Kayanga. Many of the people here come from the Hutu tribe but have married into Tanzanian tribes.
This place where I was yesterday is ran by the Sisters of Karagwe. They have one classroom so far for teaching children. There are two buildings currently being built. One is a school for physical disabled children and regular children the the other is a dormitory for them. The Tanzanian government donated money for the dormitory however it only went so far so the building is unfinished. Currently there is an Austrian in his 70’s who is volunteering his skills and time building the school. Right now there biggest need is funding for finishing the dormitory for children.
KCBRP had enough money to donate and build a bathroom next to the classroom however they want to contribute more but currently don’t have the funding.
This is the Sisters house you can see surrounded by Banana tressThis is the bathroom KCBRP had built for the school
This is the school that is built. There is only outside structure. Nothing is done on the inside
Flourian and george checking out the well that is 80 meters deep that the Austrian Babu dug
The Sisters of Karagwe with some of the children.
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