I am currently volunteering with KCBRP. There main goal is to help people with physical disabilities. They do a lot more than that of what I have read. I have spent the last two days meeting with each employee finding out what he/she does. Then I have read about there programs, annual and quarterly reports to get a very good idea of what exactly they do and how things are run.
I look forward to the work because I will be going to numerous villages throughout each week and learning about the difficulties, challenges and problems that are going on in each village. I will then try to provide answers with solutions. For example if a child is having seizures one needs to educate on what epilepsy is and what to do if the child seizes. Some villages will think the child is a witch or possessed.
The main goal is to educate people and get services the people need. Another big question is how to make this a sustainable program.
Here is my notes from the past two days.
So they are barely breaking even which is expect.
I look forward to the work because I will be going to numerous villages throughout each week and learning about the difficulties, challenges and problems that are going on in each village. I will then try to provide answers with solutions. For example if a child is having seizures one needs to educate on what epilepsy is and what to do if the child seizes. Some villages will think the child is a witch or possessed.
The main goal is to educate people and get services the people need. Another big question is how to make this a sustainable program.
Here is my notes from the past two days.
Notes for KCBRP- Karegwe Community Based Rehabilitation Program.
Celebrated world disabilities day on December 3rd 2015 where they had government officials, TV and radio come. People with Disabilities talked and inspired others to keep strong. Small solar panels were provided with Patients With Disabilities.
Free check ups through out the village was performed. What they found was 4 with breast or cervical cancer, 151 vision problems, 167 HIV and 3 were AIDS positive, 46 have diabetes, 63 physical disability, and 19 had mental health problems.
Leaflets were handed out about HIV/AIDS, breast cancer, mental health and eye problems.
Activities that have taken place at KCBRP
Sent 13 patients to have orthopedic surgery.
1 with burns to Uganda and 3 with eye problems to Uganda.
3 cleft palate to Dar Es Salaam.
Repaired and replaced wheel chairs.
Planted trees.
Trained staff for higher education.
Raise awareness of people with disabilities.
Create a banking project and sustainability. Provided goats and Bee’s for harvesting honey.
Over 1200 families have been visited and received counseling on nutrition and hygiene.
Crash training seminar to safe driving.
97 patients with disabilities received treatment.
Provided 22 goats and 28 chickens to villages.
Over years helped about a 1,000 people with physical disabilities.which started in 2004.
Educate People with disabilities on how to be dependent and self sustaining. Teach them skills.
Watu na Nuru provided 83 solar lamps to people with physical disabilities. Money for kerosine is expensive.
Conducted 10 radio programs 550 left lets about people with disabilities, driving safety, and empowerment rights of the people.
Problems for the villages.
Walking distance for people to come and get educated is very far some walk 80 Km. They probably need bikes or motorcycles.
Need more people in the village to spread the word to others.
KCBRP has only one vehicle and 3 motorcycles.
Future plans
Support Children With Disabilities for school fees and material.
Same as activities above.
Currently building a training center in Kayanga for people with physical disabilities and there families.
I think the biggest thing is education. Letting people know there are cures for people with disabilities or ways to get hep. People just don’t have the knowledge so they just live with there disease. It is hard to change the mindset of any person let alone a village who have done the same thing there entire life. You can’t change the mindset until they see results. That is they have to see it to believe it.
Feed back.
Monthly meetings with the representative of each village. Each representative discuss the problems and challenges going on at the village. KCBRP tries to provide solutions.
World Disabilities day also provided good feedback
Testimonies given that are then written down and forwarded to funders.
Leaflets for eye problems have been given.
4 seminars provided which also allows to get feedback from the people about the seminar.
Modified motorcycles for people with disabilities. A person with no legs but can drive a 3 wheeler.
Provided school uniforms and materials for children.
Activities in the last 4 months.
Primary school is free. Secondary school is not so KCBRP provided some children with school fees.
Sent children to hospital that is with various conditions, 14 osteomyelitis,11 club foot, 4 hydrocephalus, 6 knocking knees, 5 with cleft lip to hospital and paid for operation.
Supported 11 children with Cerebral Palsy with food and clothing.
62 glasses given for eye problems.
Provided 6 Wheel Chairs, 2 crutches, 2 walking frames, 6 standing frames, 3 special seats.
Argo forest project- control burning to prevent fires.
They have served 16 local villages.
Provide seed money for individuals training and working skills to help the village.
They go to the villages Monday through Thursday and see what are the issues and problems going on. They then come back on Friday and report to the group and try to figure out ideas how to help.
Self sustaining programs
Bee harvesting
goats raising
pineapple garden
Government 1,500,000 tsp which is $810
argo forest has 4,000 pine trees.
High cost to outreach programs. How to make this sustainable?
Looking for a physiotherapist
Breaking the stigma of people with disabilities. Parents hiding there children .
Children with disabilities not getting help they need.
They have acquired 4 acres of land to create a sustainability program. started a tree farm for economic issues. 10 acres total.
Do land leasing to neighbors so they can take responsibility and ownership of the land and act like guards.
It is really about educating people and empowering them.
child protection
Future goals 2016
Increase accessibility of education for Children With Disabilities.
Improve medical rehabilitation services.
Sustainability projects = Orthopedic workshop, fitness gymnasium, conference centre, vocational training center and chelima agro-forest.
5 year strategic plan.
Need a information management system.
Funds through ORAF $48,000
Partner funds $80,000
Local income $3,600
So one can tell that there needs to be more a sustainability but the question is how.
Expenses $45,000
Polish your English. It has so many grammatical errors.